Yule Viking Festival Information

About us: We of Uppsala Events the creators of the authentic Yule Viking Festival. We are building a positive, inclusive and real community with all the festivals we are hosting. We are trying to educate and entertain you with historical and actual truths. We want to create an environment where you and your family feel welcomed and safe.

No Outside Food or Drinks

No Firearms

All other weapons will be peace tied at the gate

When it is: December 6,7,8,14,15,21,22-2024 from 11:00am-7:00pm

Where it is: 14200 County Road 3104, Gladewater, TX. 75647

Pet policy: Certified Service animals only. ESA and personal pets are not allowed.

Young Ivar the Boneless

We are honored to have our very own young Ivar at our festival this year. He is very special to us. He brings much joy and light wherever he goes.
Our young Ivar needs our support. He has had many battles and many more to come.
We want to help with his journey and hope all of you do as well. When Young Ivar was in utero, he had a stroke which caused his umbilical cord to wrap around his neck. This induced labor at 31 weeks. His lungs were underdeveloped, and he stayed in the NICU for 57 days. While there, he caught an infection in his lower digestive system, and was on a PIC line twice. He was fed through a tube for most of his stay. He was allowed to come home when he could bottle feed. Once home, the family noticed his delays were exceeding the estimates that the doctor's gave us at a concerning level. At 10 months old, his family saw a neurologist, and he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at one year old. He's been evaluated for autism three times. The first two times he could not perform the testing and was diagnosed with global developmental delay. His third evolution is pending, leaning towards a diagnosis. He has been in physical, occupational and speech therapy since he was 1.5 years old. He's had one surgery on his eyes, a medical condition that is common as a symptom of cerebral palsay. He's received Botox three times as a treatment for his condition. He's been on musculoskeletal relaxers as well. He does not walk on his own, and requires full time care and adaptive living.
We are committed to the community and helping those who are in need.
We have refrained from using his real name to protect his privacy and his family's privacy.
We have a list of items that he is need of . His mother and maternal grandparents do all they can. Sadly it's extremely expensive for the family and we want to ease some of the burdens this family faces.
We have dedicated the last Sunday of the yule festival to this amazing child.
He will be brought around the grounds and lead the parade for the day.
We have a wishlist of items that would greatly help him in his development. The list is available on Amazon under 

The items will be shipped directly to the New Uppsala grounds in Gladewater Texas. Its incredible to have so many who want to help him and his beautiful family.
We hope you find it in your hearts to help. He is an extraordinary young man who brings a bright light to such a dark world.